Bollards for Zoos & Aquariums

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Bollards for Zoos & Aquariums in the UK are becoming increasingly important in providing secure access to facilities across the country. Macs Bollards have been providing superior bollards and security solutions for this sector, helping to protect both staff and visitors alike. 

With the incoming Martyn’s Law, a law that enforces tougher safety measures with regards to public spaces, there’s never been a better time to ensure your Zoo or Aquarium is compliant with security regulations. 

Our range of steel bollards offer an effective solution when it comes to protecting these precious places of learning and entertainment. We also provide a choice of customised options, perfect for adding a touch of personality or branding. So if you’re looking for an individualised solution that fits with safety regulations, look no further than Macs Bollards!

Why Do You Need Bollards for Zoo & Aquarium Security?

Bollards are an essential element for Zoo and Aquariums to ensure the safety of both visitors and staff. With predators, expansive environments, a wide variety of animals and large crowds all vying for space, the need for maintaining control and order in these places is paramount. Bollards help to create a barrier between walkways and exhibits, thus controlling traffic flow to prevent accidents or incidents from occurring. Furthermore, they can be fixed into place with bolt-down or non-removable fixtures, making them harder to move or tamper with and providing extra security.

In addition to providing physical protection, bollards can also provide visual deterrence against possible threats such as vehicle ram-raids or other unauthorised access attempts. Whether your installation requires decorative designs or something more functional to fit in with a modern aesthetic, there’s sure to be something suitable for you – we offer a range of examples suited to any Zoo & Aquarium environment.

Aesthetic Bollard Options

Zoo and aquarium bollards present an opportunity to add vibrancy and creativity to the surroundings. These bollards can be thoughtfully designed with animal-themed elements, featuring a wide range of colours that complement the exhibits and overall architecture. 

Careful consideration should be given to the strategic placement of these bollards, ensuring that they do not obstruct important sightlines or disrupt the desired ambiance. The overarching goal is to seamlessly integrate these bollards into the environment, enhancing the overall experience for visitors.

Strategic Placement For Comprehensive Protection

Careful bollard placement provides full security coverage across sprawling sites. We recommend first installing along outer perimeters, queue lines, and parking areas to establish boundaries.

Then incorporate retractable bollards around maintenance areas and access points. Inside, safely separate traffic from pedestrians using barriers flanking roads through the site.

When thoughtfully laid out, bollards deliver extensive protection throughout exterior and interior zoo & aquarium zones.

Integrate Bollards into Your Wider Security

Bollards are a key component of a comprehensive security plan, working alongside other tools such as surveillance cameras and access control.

By lining areas with bollards, you can manage site access while maintaining an open, inviting atmosphere for visitors. Adding retractable models creates the ultimate balance between safety and convenience.

The Importance of Proper Maintenance for Zoo & Aquarium Bollards

Maintaining your security bollards is an essential part of ongoing safety. Regularly inspect your bollards for damage, as well as make sure they’re firmly attached to the ground and in working order.

By taking proper care of them, you can enjoy the full benefits of zoo & aquarium bollards with minimal interruption.

Trust the Experts at Macs Bollards

For comprehensive integrated bollard security solutions for your zoo or aquarium, trust Macs Bollards. Get in touch with us at 0161 320 6462 or utilise our online form to connect with our team of experts. We will assess your requirements, provide recommendations for products and placement, and deliver customised protection that meets your specific needs.

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We are one of the largest and fastest bollard suppliers in the UK, and are sure we can help you with you with your bollard or barrier system requirements. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.