Powys County Council — Automatic Bollard System

Powys County Council constructed a new road to be used by a local bus service. Macs Bollards created a restricted access bus route using one automatic rising bollard; we provided the local bus company with a tagmaster system which they were able to use to lower the automated bollard when required, and the bollard was programmed to rise once the bus had cleared the safety loops which we installed under the road. This has benefited the local community in that an isolated estate now has a bus service without creating a ‘rat run’ effect.
More recently, Powys County Council have replaced an existing obsolete automatic bollard system in Newtown with a Macs bollard system, and at the same time installed a new bus lane bollard system nearby.


Macs P275/800 Automatic Security Bollards


Powys County Council

Scope of Services

Location: Newtown, Powys

Application: Bus Gate, Vehicle Restriction

Standard: Highways Standard

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