Beautiful street bollards? Why security doesn’t have to be ugly

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Today, we want the places where we work, live and have fun to look appealing. Beautiful spaces encourage civic pride and responsibility. They engage the people who use them, and they can even impact our wellbeing and increase our quality of life. And that’s vitally important when you consider that, according to the UN, by 2050, 68% of the world’s population will live in cities.

What’s more, there are also some compelling economic benefits when it comes to good-looking municipalities.

“Cities perceived as twice as attractive as others experienced more than 10% additional population growth and employment opportunities in the two decades leading to 2010.”

Beautiful city: Leisure amenities and urban growth, Gerald A. Carlino & Albert Saiz

Nevertheless, while aesthetics is essential, our towns and cities also have to work. Because it doesn’t matter how good they look if our spaces are unsafe, inaccessible, and unpleasant to use. So, when it comes to urban architecture and design, it’s essential to strike the right balance.

Making things difficult, our modern world comes with a raft of additional challenges. For example, due to current levels of car ownership and a lack of adequate car parking infrastructure, pavement parking has become inescapable in some areas. And, of course, with terrorism continuing to present a substantial threat in the UK, keeping people and places secure is critical.

One obvious solution to these challenges is engineering measures such as street bollards and barriers. But, historically, these haven’t always been welcome. Not least because frustrated councils, businesses and other organisations often stuck up out-of-place bollards in a desperate bid to solve a problem – without thinking about how they would impact on the look and feel of an area. Sure, they did the job, but the result was far from attractive.

Bollard design vs functionality

When it comes to street bollards, you don’t have to choose either design or functionality. Bollards don’t have to be a necessary evil. Aesthetics don’t have to be compromised due to safety concerns. Indeed, while there are concerns about “street clutter”, when a considered approach is used, it is possible to create lively, attractive neighbourhoods that are full of life, and which are designed to keep people and places safe. 

Attractive street bollards from Macs

At Macs, we comprehensively discuss and assess your specific needs to ensure we deliver the right products for you. As part of this process, we will talk about things such as colours, styles, shapes, finishes, materials, and the surrounding architecture.

The good news is there is a vast range of options available when it comes to bollards. Many of which look aesthetically great. And, as a result, we help meet your wider urban-planning objectives and ensure the delivery of bollards that create safe streets and spaces that are a pleasure to be in.

Offering the highest quality products, exceptional aftercare and a customer service guarantee, Macs Automated Bollard Systems understands how important protecting your world is. So let’s protect it together. For a free quote on our security bollards, or to ask us a question, call our service team on 0161 320 6462 or email us by completing our contact form.

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