Automatic Bollards

Take your pick of our automatic rising bollards – designed to shape and protect your world.

Automatic bollards are the ideal choice for controlling flexible vehicle access, as they can be raised and lowered at the push of a button. Despite that, they can still provide HVM-level certified security.

Take a look at our range below, and discover how automatic bollards offer a modern and more versatile approach to security compared to fixed bollards.

Contact the Bollard Experts

Shop Our Range of Automatic Bollards

220/EM 600A

Rated 0 out of 5


Rated 0 out of 5

K4 275/700A

Rated 0 out of 5

E-GO 114 800A

Rated 0 out of 5

275/800 P10

Rated 0 out of 5

K4 275/900A

Rated 0 out of 5


Rated 0 out of 5

220/P 800A

Rated 0 out of 5

Coral 1051​

Rated 0 out of 5

Coral 1050​

Rated 0 out of 5

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Flexible Automatic Bollard Solutions

Introducing our new range of automatic bollards, available in three types: Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) automatic bollards, P-Series, and Coral & Vigilo. Each of our automatic bollard models provides excellent protection and flexibility, allowing for the automated raising and lowering of the bollards through a centralised PLC control system.

Our HVM automatic bollards are designed to withstand substantial impacts, making them ideal in areas at risk of vehicle threats or high-speed accidents. Built with high-grade stainless steel, they provide superior protection and serve as a solid barrier against unauthorised vehicles.

For standard security needs, we have our P-Series automatic bollards. These are made to provide a visible deterrent against unauthorized vehicle entry. Sturdy but aesthetic too, the P-Series bollards are effective in controlling traffic and safeguarding property boundaries, whether in residential driveways or commercial locations. They are designed to fit well with the surrounding environment while maintaining a strong physical presence.

Our Coral & Vigilo automatic rising bollards are a simple and affordable option for safety and security, available at a price point that fits within budget constraints without compromising on quality or performance.

Each product in our range offers a blend of durability, functionality, and visual appeal across various price levels and protection requirements. Whether you’re looking for simple pedestrian protection against vehicles, or something more durable to protect against potential vehicle attacks, our bollard security solutions are the perfect choice. Manufactured with quality materials, they ensure lasting performance and resistance to wear. Choose from our selection of automatic security bollards to protect your property and control vehicle access with confidence.

Why choose automatic bollards?

The key advantage of automatic bollards is their blend of security and flexibility. Unlike fixed bollards, automatic rising and falling bollards can do as the name suggests: rise or fall at the push of a button rather than manually (as with fixed) or with a key and gas actuator (as with semi-automatic).

If you’re looking for a high-quality security bollard system, we can help. Our range of automatic rising bollards have been implemented across the UK by numerous local authorities, businesses, organisations and individuals to create:

  • Pedestrian-only zones
  • Traffic control areas
  • Bus gates
  • Commercial and residential projects.

Whether you’re designing a town or city centre traffic calming solution to TOPAS 2510A specifications, or you want to protect your car on a private driveway, we’ve got an automated bollard system for you.

Speak to the Bollard Experts!

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